Sunday, July 29, 2007

feeding frenzy

so i watch the food channel. a lot. so you think i would be able to cook at least something more complex, more gourmet than chef boyardee and turkey sandwiches. well i cant. and tonight proves it. i hit my max for food channel watching this morning and actually became inspired to make what i saw on the television. just buy the stuff, follow the instructions, and by some unknown magic i would see and taste the beauty i had seen so easily devised on the tube. sounds simple enough. so i went to the grocery store, picked up ingredients (lots of stuff i had never bought before) and patiently waited until it was time to do something with them. that's where the happy part of the story ends and gives way to bleeding hands, beet juice stains, herb overdoses, and that nagging gagging feeling.

perhpas beet and goat cheese salad and grilled zucchini wraps with goat cheese and herbs was not the best place for me to start my foray into cooking. but it sounded good. i will spare you the rest of the details, but suffice it to say, i am currently waiting for my stomach to stop churning, i have bandages on my fingers, and my hands are stained from both beet and blood. if anyone has any recipes that are easy, preferably that do not involve chopping parsley or cooking beets or anything with goat cheese, it would be much appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In your defense, German Night was pretty good.