Tuesday, September 4, 2007

4: good morning captain-- slint

it feels wrong even writing about this song. to me, this song is so good and means so much to me, that trying to put any of it into words would be a great disservice. but i guess i must provide something so you will understand why this song is ranked as high as it is.

to put it plainly, after hearing this song, music simply didnt sound the same. as new and different as this song sounded, it also touched on some expectation i had for what the greatest music in the world would sound like. like i had been waiting for something to sound like this. it was deep. bottom of the ocean deep. the song has an expansive drama that sucks you in. its not even like listening to a song. it is like having an experience.

again, i can't really explain what this song does to me. it is poetic and smart (any song that is even loosely based on a samuel taylor coleridge poem is by definition smarter than most anything you can listen to). but it is not just cerebral, the song also plays to the senses. you can see the mist coming off the water. you can feel the ship rocking on the waves. and then it builds, the tension, like ominous clouds gathering on the horizon. and then there is an explosion, where softly spoken words give way to screams and you can feel the brute force, the release. something that seems so delicate and calculating just cracks open to bare bones and grit and the basic essence of human emotion.

i can only say it was an act of god that made me download this song as a sophomore in high school. i otherwise have no idea what would have compelled me to seek out this relatively obscure band. it was another act of god that i finally found the album 'spiderland' in a sketchy record store in georgetown. but i am thankful i did. and when i finally got to hear this song played live this summer i literaly couldnt stop shaking. it was like hearing god. and once again, nothing sounds the same.

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