Thursday, August 23, 2007

11: yellow-- coldplay

first off, i am being serious. 'yellow' is a great song and coldplay is a good band. i can admit that. i am not clear as to what made me place this song at this point on the list. perhaps now, after getting to song number 11, i should better explain how i made my list. after racking my brain, scouring my cd collection, sifting through my ipod, i came up with a list of 156 possible songs. then i whittled the list down and down and down, got it to 40something, then ranked them, in almost a firstimpulse/streamofconsciousness (which i think is the best way to do things) kind of way. and this song, for better or worse, landed here. i believe there is something behind it.

now for the backstory. this song was one of the first new ones i heard in 10th grade, my first year at boarding school. (i feel this has something to do with my attachment). at the time, i had never heard of coldplay, but i instantly thought they were awesome. they were in some ways smoothly mellow and hopelessly romantic. which i kind of liked. this song plods (in a beautiful way) and has these very windswept sappy-eyed heart-tugging lyrics and sound that convey a sort of longing that i found sublime. and perhaps i still do. i hung on this song and the album 'parachutes' for quite a while during those first few months. they still take me back.

this song is for me a time and a place and a feeling. things that are both concrete and vague. i think this song was an expression of beauty for me, something i wanted to seek out. and before this song and this band blew up, i felt it to be very personal and close to me. it also introduced me to a band that i still think makes quality stuff. so i guess, even though my perspective has changed, i can still appreciate what this song once did for me.

the video, with love:

p.s. alas. i am going away for a few days, so you will have to wait on the top 10 until next week.


Anonymous said...

something we agree on! coldplay.

waiting in earnest to know the top 10 songs,


Zack Turowski said...

Guess you've answered my question.

Also, if you ever run out of things to post about, you could reissue the list on a choice anniversary containing all of the 126 "lost" songs that you didn't include with the original release.